The Way of the Bodhisattva Ch 1: “The Excellence of Bodhicitta” by Shantideva: Translation Workbook


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Composed in the 8th century, this text becomes richer and richer with each reading–it combines those rare qualities of scholastic precision, spiritual depth, and poetical beauty.

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The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhisattvacharyavatara in Sanskrit) continues to be a core teaching of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and its message is both vital and inspiring for those trying to build a more compassionate world.

The purpose of this workbook is to provide beginning reading students with a better idea of what is being said in Tibetan and to see how the Tibetan is structured. Using all parts of this integrated workbook will help students decode the meaning of this most important work in the Tibetan literary canon.

This translation workbook includes:

  • Workbook pages with 4 lines of Tibetan on each page, laid out for students to notate
  • Interlinear translation pages (Tibetan and English)
  • Reading in Tibetan pages
  • English only draft translation

Additional information

Weight 9.8 oz
Dimensions 8.75 × 11.5 × .5 in

Tibetan Language Institute

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