Flash Card Sets from TLI

Flash Card Sets from TLI

Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $150.00.

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Four sets of flash cards in this package, beautifully laid out with Tibetan on one side and English on the other:


Level I and Level II Vocabulary Flashcards

These flashcards are being used by students all over the world to learn basic Tibetan vocabulary. They contain all of the carefully chosen vocabulary words from both the Level I Workbook and Level II Workbook (over 250 words).

In stock (can be backordered)

Level III Vocabulary Flashcards

Learn the carefully chosen 212 vocabulary words found in the Level III Workbook.

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Dharma Flashcards

These flash cards have been designed to help students studying the Dharma in Tibetan.

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Heart Sutra Flashcards

These flash cards have been designed to help build the Tibetan Buddhist vocabulary.

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In stock (can be backordered)


Expanding Dharma Vocabulary

$150.00 (save $10 when you order all four flash card sets)


Flash cards are a fun and easy way to learn vocabulary. And learning Buddhist terms helps you when you read in Tibetan or converse with your Lama or Rinpoche.

Flash cards also make wonderful gifts for Tibetan friends wanting to learn Dharma terms in English.

Additional information

Weight 57 oz
Dimensions 8 × 9.25 × 2.25 in

Tibetan Language Institute

Level I and Level II Vocabulary Flashcards


Tibetan Language Institute

Level III Vocabulary Flashcards


Tibetan Language Institute

Dharma Flashcards


Tibetan Language Institute

Heart Sutra Flashcards


Tibetan Language Institute

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